
All About ASP Tutoring:

ASP Tutoring understands that personal attention is the key to developing every child’s potential. Children of all ages learn best in an environment in which they feel comfortable speaking up about their anxieties and challenges. ASP Tutoring provides professional, one-on-one tuition, study skills and learning support, specifically designed to meet each learner’s individual needs. Our core business is extra lessons, learning support, career assessment, study skills and homework facilitation, all of which are conducted on a personal basis.

Our professional tutors are dedicated and experienced teachers. They are subject experts who understand the integral importance of the relationship between a tutor and a learner.

ASP Tutoring currently operates in Hilton, Pietermaritzburg and the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. Wherever possible, our tutors travel to our learners to teach them in a familiar environment.


In addition to the above we run a Revision School each year for the grade 11 & 12 learners. Revision School is a 16-hour intensive structured revision programme which allows learners to work through chosen modules in small groups with an experienced teacher. Revision School is ideal for the very necessary holiday studying that is required of the senior grades. Once the 16 hours have been completed, the pressure is off and learners and their parents can relax and enjoy the rest of the June/July school holidays. Revision school assists grade 11’s to prepare for their all-important exams the results of which will be used for University applications. It assists grade 12’s in preparing for trials and finals by providing a structure in which to get through the work.

Get In Touch

Lauren Smythe, BA, PGCE FET 

University of Pretoria

Telephone: 082 563 8799

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